Day 31 – Potsdam

The morning
Well, waking up today was again very easy. At 4:45am I was awake… I took a fast shower, got dressed, packed my bag and grabbed the prepared breakfast the hotel made for me. At 5:27 I started walking.
The walk
Today’s walk from Gross Kreutz from Potsdam brought me though a rather diverse landscape. Small hills, forests, agricultural areas and orchards.
I started the walk so early because weather forecasts told me it was going to be very hot, above 30 degrees Celsius. I know my body operates well in temperatures in the 25 degrees Celsius range, but walking 30 kilometers with a 10kg backpack is another thing. I just wanted to be ready before the temperature hits it’s highest value today.
I left in the eastern direction, and a bit south, to Werder, across the Havel. On my right side I saw the Schwielowsee, a recreational lake. I thought about getting in the water, to take a swim, but I didn’t do it. Just kept on walking. From Geltow it was just a few kilometers to get to Potsdam.
Potsdam is huge and has a rich history. Read the wiki page here, it’s interesting. Around 13:00 I arrived at the house of Tina and Caspar. They were very welcome and made me feel at home. I had a quick shower first, then I was invited to join lunch. I nice vegan meal prepped by Chef Caspar.
After a few business calls of Caspar we went to a shopping mall, because I needed to buy some things. Yes, I’m a bit vague, because people who are going to get those things might read this blog…
Finally we got some groceries and power bars for tomorrow, and we all did some work. I wrote this blog, Tina was creating some jewelry and Caspar did a little MC thing for WCEU.
Here’s my route of today, and have a look at the pictures (yes, a lot) I made:
The last stage.
The last kilometers.
Being welcomed by my family.
Can anyone bring tissues? 😭
See you tomorrow, follow my Twitter account for live updates or follow the hashtag #WalkToWCEU on my progress, position and estimated time of arrival at the Estrel hotel.